
The Price to Pay for Freedom as an Entrepreneur

Entrepreneurship is all about the pursuit of freedom.  Freedom comes with a price and that price can take a toll on many who are not prepared for the journey.  Before you start the path towards making your dreams a reality, understand the road ahead.  These are the 3 main prices an entrepreneur must understand and evaluate when starting a business or bringing an idea to concept. Financial Expect a roller coaster ride.  In the beginning stages of building your business or in periods of accelerated growth it can feel like you go broke every month.  The uncertainty of not having a steady income requires that you get crafty with how you handle cash flow.  Let’s be totally honest, if taking your vision or dream to reality is what you are ultimately trying to do, you must put the work and the grind in over a period of time.  You are not going to escape the process.  How does it really feel to work 80 hours for the equivalent of a 40-hour payche...

Why Entrepreneurs Fail

Some entrepreneurs succeed, but many fail.   There is an element of luck in success but many times that luck actually comes from hard work and dedication.   So why is it that many entrepreneurs fail in their business ventures?   Here are five reasons why many entrepreneurs fail: Don’t want it Let’s get one thing clear, most everyone wants the end result, that is not what we are talking about.   Those people are called wantrepreneurs and they are commonplace.   What causes most entrepreneurs to fail is they don’t want it bad enough to invest the time, energy, resources, blood, sweat and tears in to creating a successful business.   Many entrepreneurs underestimate what it is really going to get a business off the ground and then be able to effective grow and ultimately scaled that business.   In the beginning stages of a new business, expect your life to be unbalanced for a period of time.   If you really want something bad enou...

Five Types of Entrepreneurs

Although branded all under one tagline, entrepreneur, there are many faces and types of entrepreneurship which creates different business models and paths an entrepreneur follows or chooses.   Some of this has to do with the entrepreneur themselves and some has to do with environment.   Here are 5 types of entrepreneurs and how each is different: Innovator These are the ones who invent the new ideas, new products, new production methods or processes, discover potential markets and reorganize the company’s structure. These are the industry leaders and contributes significantly towards the economic development of the country.  The innovative entrepreneurs have an unusual foresight to recognize the demand for goods and services. They are always ready to take a risk because they enjoy the excitement of a challenge, and every challenge has some risk associated with it. Hustler The Hustler is a self-starter determined to succeed in the wo...

Surviving As An Entrepreneur

Surviving as an entrepreneur is not easy, the odds are against you.   For every entrepreneurial success story, there are many more failures no one talks about.   The rewards of entrepreneurship can far outrank the risks but, in order to make it, you will need some help.   Here are five things to keep in mind when trying to survive as an entrepreneur. Pick Good People To Surround Yourself With If you do not surround yourself with the right people, it will be extremely hard to reach both personal as well as organizational success.   People around you either push you to become better or pull you to become worse.   Hard and relentless workers will push everyone each day to do more which has huge ripple effects.   People with positive attitudes create a work environment and vibe where everyone accomplishes more simply because people that are actually happy perform better.   People who ask questions are an important piece to the team as well as your ...